
     In March, amid the worsening coronavirus pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics were put off until 2021.The Games,   26   slated to kick off this summer, will now be held from July 23rd to August 8th, 2021. The Paralympic Games have also been delayed and will run from August 24th to September 5th, 2021.The  27   was announced following talks between Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and the International Olympic Committee president, Thomas Bach. The leaders agreed that the Olympic Games in Tokyo could stand as a beacon of hope to the world during these troubled times   28   the Olympic flame could become the light at the end of the tunnel. Accordingly, the Olympic flame will stay in Japan and the Games will still be known as the Tokyo 2020 Games.   29    the news is disappointing, the public is not surprised as the move seemed inevitable. This will be the first Olympics to   30   . Previously, three Games have been cancelled outright, in 1916, 1940, and 1944, due to the two world wars.

(A) originally
(B) reasonably
(C) particularly
(D) fortunately

難度: 簡單
Zih Ting Yeh 高三下 (2021/07/26)
reasonably 合理地particul.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
huei 大三上 (2021/10/17)

Slate (V) 預計、預定、安排

EX:  John is slated to be the next  chairman of the committee. 

yu 大一上 (2022/10/31)

The Games,origina☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

S. 高三下 (2022/10/31)
3月,在冠狀病毒大流行惡化的情況下,東京奧運會推遲到2021年舉行。原定於今年夏天開始的奧運會將於2021年7月23日至8月8日舉行。殘奧會也被推遲了,該決定將於2021年8月24日至9月5日舉行。日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)與國際奧委會主席托馬斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach)會談後宣布了這一決定。領導人一致認為,在這些動盪時期,東京奧運會可以成為世界的希望燈塔,奧林匹克聖火可能成為隧道盡頭的曙光。因此,奧運聖火將繼續存在於日本,奧運會仍將被稱為2020年東京奧運會。儘管這一消息令人失望,但公眾似乎並不感到意外,因為此舉似乎是不可避免的。這將是第一個被推遲的奧運會。之前,由於兩次世界大戰,三屆運動會在1916、1940和1944年被徹底取消。

三、克漏字測驗      In March, amid the worseni..-阿摩線上測驗