
第 31 題至第 35 題為題組: 
    Life in a big city has some advantages. In a big city, there is every kind of facility for education. Any kind of education, liberal or vocational or technical is 31 the reach of the persons living in big cities. An ordinary man living in a big city can afford for his children that education which a rich man in a village cannot afford easily. Good and well equipped educational institutions are the permanent assets of big cities. A boy or girl living in a big city has a better general knowledge than a village boy or girl has and 32 well-informed about the affairs of the world. Thus a child born and bred in the city is more enlightened than a child born and brought up in rural atmosphere.
   Life in a big city is free from 33 and diseases because ample medical facilities are available there. Hospitals, well equipped with latest medical instruments, are the source of medical relief to every reason living in a big city. 34 the government hospitals, we find well qualified and highly competent private medical practitioners in big cities. Such facilities are not available in a village.
   Life in a big city is not dull and drab because there are 35 means of recreation there. The picture halls, theaters, the beautifully illuminated markets, the well-furnished and well-maintained hotels and restaurants, the charming parks and gardens and the good-looking and heart-captivating towns of new styled buildings give immense pleasure to everybody living in a big city.

(A) being
(B) be
(C) are
(D) is

難度: 適中
吳玫萱 國二上 (2020/05/06)
and 連接兩個子句,前後動詞形式相同。後面子句省略主詞 A boy or girl liv.....看完整詳解
ˊˇˋฅ 高二下 (2019/01/08)

A boy ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆...

幫按讚 大四上 (2019/06/01)

is前面★★★★☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆☆(...


第 31 題至第 35 題為題組:     Life in a big city..-阿摩線上測驗