
第 36 題至第 40 題為題組:     Fidget spinners are driving many adults crazy, but one Texas woman is warning about her daughter’s dangerous experience. The mother is sharing her experience in hopes it will 36 a warning to other parents about the choking hazards of the latest toy craze. A fidget spinner has a stable middle and a disc with two or three paddles that can be spun, 37 a ceiling fan, to relax the user. Kelly Rose Joniec of Houston wrote in a Facebook post that she was on her way home Saturday afternoon when she heard Britton, her 10-year-old daughter, choking in the back seat. She 38 and discovered that her daughter had swallowed one of the bearings from her fidget spinner. 39 trying to dislodge the small piece of metal with the Heimlich maneuver, Joniec took Britton to the nearest urgent care center. Doctors were unable to tell where the object 40 . It wasn’t until after an ambulance ride to Texas Children’s Hospital that an X-ray revealed the round metal bearing in the girl’s esophagus.
(A)pulled in
(B)pulled over
(C)pulled up
(D)pulled out

難度: 困難
li 高三下 (2019/01/25)
(A)pulled in 火車或巴士...等進站(B)pulled over 把......看完整詳解
Chi-113高考人事行政 大二下 (2019/11/25)

pull over phrasal verb (車輛)駛到路邊

【If a vehicle pulls over, it moves to the side of the road and stops.】

Just pull over here, and I'll get out and walk the rest of the way.


pull out  phrasal verb(車輛)開出,離去

【If a vehicle pulls out, it starts moving onto a road or onto a different part of the road. 】

A car pulled right out in front of me.



部梓熙 高二下 (2022/03/18)

Kelly Rose Joniec of Houston wrote in a Facebook post that she was on her way home Saturday afternoon when she heard Britton, her 10-year-old daughter, choking in the back seat. She 38 and discovered that her daughter had swallowed one of the bearings from her fidget spinner.

休斯頓的凱利·羅斯·喬尼茨 (Kelly Rose Joniec) 在 Facebook 貼文中寫道,她週六下午在回家的路上聽到她 10 歲的女兒布里頓在後座窒息。她 38 ,發現她的女兒吞下​​了她的指尖陀螺上的一個軸承。

(A)pulled in 拉入

(B)pulled over 將車靠停路邊

(C)pulled up 拉上

(D)pulled out 拉出...


第 36 題至第 40 題為題組:     Fidget spinners ar..-阿摩線上測驗