
請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 
        When contemporary women writers write about mother-daughter relationships, they often put an emphasis on forging a connection between them. In their writing, even though mothers and daughters do have ambivalence toward each other, they are often capable of resolving this problem and finally recognizing their bond as mothers and daughters. Yet, when it comes to writing about mother-son relationships, it becomes a completely different story. Most women writers stress the alienation between mothers and sons owing to the fact that they are of different gender. Therefore, when women writers write about their experiences of raising sons, they usually find themselves crossing over into a different territory. Feelings of apprehension and distress arise when mothers discover to their astonishment that their sons have become a total stranger to them especially when the sons have stepped into adulthood. In addition, since mothers are constrained by the society at large to avoid being too close to their sons in fear that they might smother their sons, contemporary women writers have depicted mostly the separation between them but have also unveiled how mothers come to terms with this separation from their sons. 
        Take the two contemporary novels, Margaret Forster’s Mothers’ Boys and Rosellen Brown’s Before and After, as examples. With a common theme on mother-son relationships, both novels portray a similar incident of a son who is suspected of committing a murder and how this unexpected event has profoundly harmed the mother-son relationships. Coincidently, both novels have an identical scene with a mother-son encounter in a juvenile prison. In this confrontation between mothers and sons, mothers have to their bewilderment come to realize that their sons have become unknown to them. And as these mother-son narratives continue to develop, the mothers and sons in these novels finally separate from each other. The only difference between these novels is their contrast in treating the mother-son relationship. Forster presents the mother as the one who takes up her traditional role by accepting passively this separation from son and waiting patiently until the son returns one day whereas Brown describes a mother who exercises her agency and power to deal with her son’s act of crime. Later, she not only fulfills her social responsibility as a mother but also decides her way of handling the mother-son separation. Despite that the two texts illustrate two conflicting ways of reading and writing mother-son relationships, they also inform us that there exists a powerful reading and writing against the grain.

【題組】21 Which field of study is most closely related to this passage?
(A) Human Resources.
(B) Social Work.
(C) Human Rights.
(D) Women’s Studies.

難度: 簡單
113年考上初考,繼續努力 博一下 (2019/04/25)

骨頭(一般警特行政正取) 大四下 (2019/10/31)
 When contemporary當代的 women writers write about mother-daughter relationships, they often put an emphasis強調 on forging創造 a connection between them. In their writing, even though雖然mothers and daughters do have ambivalence矛盾 toward each other, they are often capable of resolving解決 this problem and finally recognizing their bond聯繫 as mothers and daughters. Yet, when it comes to writing about mother-son relationships, it becomes a completely完全地 different story. Most women writers stress強調 the alienation疏離感 between mothers and sons owing to由於the fact that th...
大一下 (2020/02/16)

當當代女性作家撰寫有關母女關係的文章時 , 她們常常強調建立兩者之間的聯繫 , 在他們的寫作中 , 儘管母女之間確實具有矛盾之處 , 但他們通常有能力解決這個問題 , 並且最終認識到她們做為母女的紐帶 , 然而 , 當談到母子關係時 , 它變成了一個完全不同的故事 , 大多數婦女作家強調 , 由於性別的差異 , 母子之間疏遠了 , 因此 , 當女作家寫自己撫養兒子的經歷時 , 她們通常會發現自己跨入了另外一個領域 , 當母親驚訝的發現自己的兒子對他們完全陌生時 , 尤其是在兒子成年以後 , 就會產生憂慮和痛苦的感覺 , 此外 , 由於母親受到整個社會的束縛 , 避免過度靠近兒子 , 以免擔心兒子會窒息 , 因此當代女性作家大多描繪了她們之間的分離 , 但同時也...

candy9140yh 小一上 (2021/06/04)
go against the grain 格格不入;違反常理

請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題         When contemp..-阿摩線上測驗