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請依下文回答第 28 題至第 30 題: 
Since ancient times, sound and music has been used as a powerful tool for healing, a means of communication, and a way to lift the human spirit. Today, in our stressful and busy world, we are again 28 music as a means to heal and relax our lives. People in all walks of life, of all ages, are listening to music specifically designed to harmonize and heal. 29 , acupuncturists have begun using Chinese healing music such as that of the Shanghai Chinese Traditional Orchestra as a perfect accompaniment to their work. The musician, Deuter said, “You will experience the best healing results when you open up to listen not just with your physical ears, but when you start to feel the vibration of the music with your whole body and spirit.” So, we invite you to explore the healing power of music and sound. 30 you are in the healing professions and would like to make your work even more graceful and effective, or you just want music to dance to, to relax with or to take you to deeper states of consciousness on your own healing, there is much to choose from, lots to enjoy—one world, so much music.

(A) asking for
(B) turning to
(C) abiding by
(D) restoring from

難度: 困難
Dorothy 高二上 (2019/02/25)
糖衣 高二下 (2019/03/27)

自古以來,聲音和音樂一直被用作治療的有力工具,一種交流方式,以及一種提升人類精神的方式。今天,在我們緊張而繁忙的世界裡,我們又將28種音樂作為治愈和放鬆生活的手段。各個年齡段的各行各業的人們都在聽專門為協調和治愈而設計的音樂。 29,針灸師開始使用上海中樂團等中國康復音樂作為他們作品的完美伴奏。音樂家Deuter說:“當你打開時不僅要用你的耳朵聽,而且當你開始用你的整個身體和精神感受到音樂的振動時,你將體驗到最好的治療效果。”所以,我們邀請你要探索音樂和聲音的治愈力量。 30你正在從事治療專業,並希望讓你的工作更加優雅和有效,或者你只是想讓音樂跳舞,放鬆或帶你到你自己癒合的更深層次的意識狀態,有很多選擇,很多享受 - 一個世界,很多音樂。

li (2021/01/03)

【題組】請依下文回答第 28 題至第 30 題: 

Since ancient 古代的times, sound and music has been used as a powerful tool for healing有治療功用的,a means 方法;of communication溝通, and a way to lift the human spirit精神.

Today, in our stressful緊張的and busy world, we are again 28(B) turning to轉向music as a means to heal治癒and relax our lives.

People in all walks of life行業, of all ages年齡, are listening to music specifically designed 設計to harmonize協調,和諧and heal治癒.

29(B) For example , acupuncturists 針療醫師have begun using Chinese healing musicsuch as像that of the Shangh...


請依下文回答第 28 題至第 30 題: Since ancient ..-阿摩線上測驗