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請依下文回答第 28 題至第 31 題: 
   Michelangelo’s David, the five-hundred-year-old marble statue, is regarded as an example of a perfect male body. However, he is found to have a flaw-having crossed eyes. The 28 was made during an exercise to produce a digital version of all Michelangelo’s sculptures and buildings by scanning them with a laser. The result shows the gaze directions of his eyes diverge. This is shown clearly in the full frontal image of David’s face, which cannot normally be seen because the sculpture is 16ft tall, stands on an elevated base, and is viewed from 29 at an angle at which the face is obscured by the left hand. 
   It is believed that Michelangelo did this 30 , because it provided good profiles of David when seen from all sides. 31 , Michelangelo sculpted with not only human anatomy and common imperfections in mind, but also with the viewing angle of the people on the ground. It wasn’t until science and photography enabled us to look at David in various angles and heights was it discovered that David’s eyes weren’t “perfect.” For non-technological viewing, David’s squinted eyes contribute to his stature and posture from all sides.

(A)on purpose
(B)at random
(C)in vain
(D)by chance

難度: 簡單
Roy 小二下 (2016/12/25)
“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2018/05/24)

米開朗基羅的大衛,五百年曆史的大理石雕像,被認為是一個完美的男性身體的例子。但是,他發現有一個缺陷 - 已經交叉眼睛。這項發現是在一次演習中進行的,通過使用激光掃描來製作所有米開朗基羅雕塑和建築物的數字版本。結果顯示他眼睛的凝視方向發散。這在大衛面部的正面圖像中清楚地顯示出來,這通常是不可見的,因為雕塑高16英尺,站立在抬高的基座上,並從下方以左手遮住臉部的角度觀看。


骨頭(一般警特行政正取) 大四下 (2019/12/06)

It is believed that Michelangelo did this 30 , because it provided good profile簡短的描述, 傳略;人物簡介, 注意, 大眾的注意, 側面視角 of David when seen from all sides.

(C)in vain翻譯:不成功的, 徒勞的;枉然的;無用的, 自私的, 虛榮的;自負的。
(D)by chance. ph. 意外地, 偶然

Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2020/02/05)

(A)on purpose 故意
(B)at random 任意隨機

請依下文回答第 28 題至第 31 題:  Michelangelo’..-阿摩線上測驗