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請依下文回答第 36 題至第 39 題: 
        Many organizations are trying to find a solution to the problem of world hunger, and CARE is one of them. It provides food to hungry people, and believes that it is more important to help people produce their own food. Because of this belief, the organization has programs to help people improve their lives.   
        CARE was organized in 1945 to help people after World War II. At that time, it distributed over 100 million food packages. Meanwhile, it was starting self-help programs. In 2014, it has worked in 90 countries around the world. CARE gives equipment and teaches people how to build water systems, roads, schools, houses, and health centers. It also teaches people how to increase production on their farms, how to reforest areas, and how to start small village industries. Doctors and nurses volunteer to go to villages. They provide health care for the people, teach people how to improve their health, and train people to provide simple medical care. CARE also gives special help when there is a flood, an earthquake, a drought or a war.   
        Where does CARE get its money? Ordinary people in developed countries give money. CARE receives millions of dollars every year. The organization is international. It helps people of any race, color, or religion. It meets with the people to decide on programs together. CARE helps provide the necessities of life to less-developed countries.

【題組】36 Which of the followings is NOT the belief of CARE?
(A)They should provide food for hungry people.
(B)They should only help poor people in Europe.
(C)People should learn how to improve their lives.
(D)People should help decide about their own programs.

難度: 非常簡單
Tea Tai 大三下 (2018/12/20)
B選項,句中提到:In 2014, it ☆☆☆ ...

壓咧壓咧 (2023/01/27)


相信成功,堅持到底。 大一下 (2023/09/13)
Which of the followings is NOT the belief of CARE?
以下哪項不是 " CARE"的信念?

(A) They should provide food for hungry people. (B) They should only help poor people in Europe. (C) People should learn how to improve their lives. (D) People should help decide about their own programs.
   (A) 他們會提供食物給饑餓的人。
   (B) 他們只會幫助歐洲的窮人。
   (C) 幫助人們學習如何改善自己的生活。
   (D) 幫助人們决定自己的計劃。

belief [bɪˋlif] 信念,看法;信任,信賴
following [ˋfɑləwɪŋ] 接著的,其次的;下面的,下述的
provide [prəˋvaɪd] 提供,供應
improve [ɪmˋpruv] 改進,改善;...
海芋 大三上 (2024/05/15)
Many organizations are trying to find a solution to the problem of world hunger, and CARE is one of them.  許多組織正在努力尋找解決世界飢餓問題的方法,CARE 就是其中之一。   It provides food to hungry people, and believes that it is more important to help people produce their own food.  它為飢餓的人們提供食物,並認為幫助人們生產自己的食物更為重要。   Because of this belief, the organization has programs to help people improve their lives.    出於這種信念,該組織制定了幫助人們改善生活的計劃。   CARE was organized in 1945 to help people after World War II. CARE 成立於 1945 年,旨在幫助二...

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 39 題:      ..-阿摩線上測驗