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請依下文回答第 40 題至第 44 題:
        A recent report authored by the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization argues that overcoming our squeamishness about eating bugs may make the crucial  40  in overcoming global hunger.
        In terms of nutrition, insects provide an outstanding  41 , having “high fat, protein, fiber, vitamin, and mineral content.” Insects, it turns out, are far more efficient than livestock in transforming feed into edible meat. And they largely avoid the huge greenhouse gas emissions, as well as other environmental pollutants, associated with cows and pigs.
        Based on a dietary estimation, the world needs to double its food production over the next 40 years – an effort that will require unprecedented productivity gains while  42  ecological disasters.
        Most of today’s insect-eaters live in the developing world, in countries where insects are perceived as a perfectly acceptable and convenient source of energy: seasonably  43 , highly portable, and requiring fewer inputs than agriculture or animal husbandry. While most edible insects continue to be collected in the wild, more organized forms of insect farming have  44 , including “cricket farming” in Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. By providing employment opportunities, the edible insect sector helps to develop the economy, from Southeast Asia to Central Africa.


難度: 簡單
Jing 大四下 (2019/12/13)
(A)available 可獲得的;可用的(B)disposable 用完即棄的,一次性的(.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2021/07/16)

Most of today’s i☆☆☆☆☆-...

墨夜熠樓 大四上 (2021/09/13)

聯合國糧食及農業組織最近撰寫的一份報告認為,克服我們對吃蟲子的嬌氣可能成為克服全球飢餓的關鍵 40

        在營養方面,昆蟲提供了傑出的 41 ,具有“高脂肪、蛋白質、纖維、維生素和礦物質含量”。事實證明,昆蟲在將飼料轉化為可食用肉類方面比牲畜更有效。而且它們在很大程度上避免了與牛和豬相關的大量溫室氣體排放以及其他環境污染物。

        根據飲食估計,未來 40 年世界需要將糧食產量翻一番——這一努力需要在 42 生態災難的同時實現前所未有的生產力增長。

        當今大多數食蟲者生活在發展中國家,這些國家認為昆蟲是一種完全可以接受和方便的能源:季節性 43 ,高度便攜,並且需要的投入比農業或畜牧業少。雖然大多數可食用昆蟲繼續在野外採集,但更有組織的昆蟲養殖形式有 44 ,包括老撾、泰國和越南的“蟋蟀養殖”。通過提供就業機會,食用昆蟲部門有助於發展從東南亞到中非的經濟。

壓咧壓咧 (2023/01/28)

seasonably (ADV)合時令地;應時地;適時地;及時地
perceive (V)認為;看待;視為

請依下文回答第 40 題至第 44 題:     ..-阿摩線上測驗