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請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
Many are the journalists who dream about reporting on the world’s deadliest scenes of strife. Few are the ones who actually do it. Even fewer are those who do it well. Camille Lepage, a young photographer from France who was educated in the U.K. but 41 work took her far from Europe, was among the latter. Last fall, Lepage ventured into the Central Africa Republic, where a coup staged by mainly Muslim rebels had crumpled the state and prompted largely Christian militias to retaliate with fury. She spent her time 42 the fighters and also those most affected by the turmoil, while learning all she could about its roots. William Daniels, a photographer who worked with her here, 43 that locals respected her commitment and professionalism. “She was very active, very patient, very passionate about this work,” he says. “Very brave.” On May 13 the office of French President Francois Hollande issued a statement 44 Lepage’s death, at the age of 26, which it described as murder. French peacekeeping troops had discovered her body after they stopped a car driven by antibalaka militiamen. On a recent trip to New York City, Lepage admitted to fears about the conflict she was covering but said that she did not seek out scenes of violence on purpose. 45 , she wanted, in a way typical of her, to find the humanity in that bleak situation. The pictures she made in her brief life will define how she will be remembered, but the pictures she was going to take will help form her legacy.

(A) what
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) that

難度: 適中
\q嗨爪q/ 小五上 (2017/07/06)
but ___ work took he☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

忘記背後,努力面前 高三下 (2021/04/22)

Camille Lepage, a young photographer from France who was educated in the U.K. but whose work took her far from Europe, was among the latter.

最後一句was among the latter沒有連接詞,會讓人以為是關代。



Camille Lepage, a young photographer from France who was educated in the U.K. but whose work took her far from Europe, was among the latter.

高二下 (2021/06/23)

許多記者夢想報導世界上最致命的衝突場景。真正做到這一點的人很少。做得好的人就更少了。來自法國的年輕攝影師卡米爾·勒佩奇(Camille Lepage)在英國接受教育,但 41工作使她遠離歐洲,而她屬於後者。 去年秋天,Lepage冒險進入中非共和國,在那裡主要由穆斯林叛亂分子發動的政變摧毀了該州,並促使主要是基督教的民兵憤怒地進行報復。她花時間在42了戰士以及那些受動盪影響最嚴重的人身上,同時盡她所能地了解其根源。在這裡與她一起工作的攝影師威廉·丹尼爾斯 (William Daniels) ,43當地人尊重她的承諾和專業精神。“她非常活躍,非常有耐心,對這項工作充滿熱情,”他說。“很勇敢。”

   5月13日,法國總統弗朗索瓦·奧朗德 (Francoi...


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 Many are the jo..-阿摩線上測驗