
請依下文回答第 42 題至第 46 題: 
    Internet cookies are small information files that websites put onto personal computers. The main function of cookies is to give Internet users quick 42 to webpages. For example, because of cookies, customers on e-commerce sites can keep items in their shopping carts while they look at 43 products and then check out with ease whenever they are ready. Cookies also allow a website to remember personal information such as a 44 name, home address, email address, and phone number, so that these items do not have to be 45 . For online sellers, cookies provide an important advantage. They allow the sellers to collect information about visitors to a website. 46 can then use the customer data for advertising and other marketing purposes. Although there are concerns about what sellers might do with private information, it is clear that cookies have their benefits.


難度: 非常簡單
蘇愛 高一上 (2018/07/12)
A  資產B  接觸途徑、方式........

Robert 大二下 (2019/06/02)





骨頭(一般警特行政上榜) 大四下 (2019/10/15)

asset翻譯:優點,長處;有用的人, 資產;財產。 

essence翻譯:重要性, 本質;實質;要素, 氣味/味道, (通常取自植物或花的)香精
excess翻譯:過分;過量;過度, (保險的)免賠款,自負款, 過多的;多餘的,額外的。

Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2019/12/09)

(A)asset 有價值東西/資產
(B)access 接近/捷徑/通路/入口/發作/激發/接近的機會
(C)essence 本質/香精
(D)excess 過量/過多

請依下文回答第 42 題至第 46 題:     Internet cookie..-阿摩線上測驗