
請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
     In general, the influence of Anglo patrons has been much less pronounced on Hispanic arts than on American Indian arts. The art forms practiced by the early Hispanics were shaped largely from resources they found in their natural environment. Using native woods such as aspen or pine, paints derived from natural pigments, and other local materials, they created utilitarian goods and religious objects to adorn their homes and churches. The Hispanic crafts revival was confined to a much shorter period of time: beginning in the early 1920’s, reaching its peak in the late 1930’s, and dying down by World War II, less than 20 years. During this period, in spite of the enthusiasm of the wealthy Anglo patrons in northern New Mexico, Hispanic crafts never “caught on” nationally in the way American Indian crafts did. Interest was fairly well limited to the Southwest and Southern California, the areas in which the Adobe hacienda revival was taking place. The major interest in Hispanic crafts was as furnishing for these comfortable Southwestern-style adobe homes. These crafts were not, as were American Indian crafts, viewed as valuable art objects in themselves purchased with an eye for speculation. Hispanic arts to a great degree have been ignored by the speculative Anglo art market.
     A beneficial consequence of this oversight is that the artisans have been freer to work according to their own standards and within their own traditions. Ranging from carved images of saints, furniture and textiles, to works in tin, iron, silver and straw, the art of the Spanish colonial era remains the art of many families who have practiced the traditional techniques for generations. Meanwhile, other contemporary Hispanic artists have carried the artistic legacy of their ancestors to new levels of excellence by working in more modern media including sculpture, photography, painting, jewelry, literature and more that reflect the ongoing evolution of Hispanic arts and culture. Though modern and contemporary, their work has not been “emptied of previous vital meanings” and become a meaningless revival, as has so much ethnic art of this day. Rather it has remained as an object of cultural pride and identity and not simply the product of the tastes and demands of art market.

【題組】48 What does “it” in the last sentence of the passage refer to?
(A)The clay. 
(B) Ethnic art. 
(C)Their work. 
(D)The revival.

難度: 困難
我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2018/01/12)
補充though 的意思conj. 連接詞雖然;儘管Though he is rich, his life is not happy . 他雖然很有錢,但生活並不幸福。正常來說有錢是正的,是好事,生活大多都可以幸福 ,但生活並不幸福。ad. 副詞(一般放在句尾)然而,還是It was a hard job, he took it though . 這是份苦差事,可他還是接受了。這是份苦差事=>正常來說,因為是苦差事沒人要做。 但他還是接受了。這題的THOUGH 是副詞though modern and contemporary, their work has not been “emptied of previous vital meanings” and become a meaningless revival, as has so much e.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2018/06/20)

Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes of mind might naturally arise.

這句名言是來自:Hannah Arendt

Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/hannah_arendt_148694

這裡的of 是 有關…的 方面
這句我來翻: Total loyalty is possible only when 完全忠誠只有在這時是可能,當 忠貞被清空了有關(of)f所有具體(of的)內容。這所有具體內容是變心能從這些內容出現。

=> 完全忠誠只有在這時是可能,當忠貞的定義,被清空了所有的有關變心可能會出現的具體內容(會出現的地方)

If you think there should be no reason why your bins were not emptied, co...

曉月 國三上 (2021/08/15)


ghj4122351276 大二下 (2022/04/15)

一直把 "work" 翻成工作 難怪都選不出來 ಠ_ಠ

(C) Their work → 他們的作品

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題     In general, the ..-阿摩線上測驗