

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
In 1962, Shintaro Tsuji, founder of Sanrio Company, began selling rubber sandals with flowers painted on them. He noted the profits gained by adding a cute design to the sandals and hired cartoonists to design cute characters for his merchandise. The company produced a line of character merchandise around gift-giving occasions. Hello Kitty, designed by Yuko Shimizu, was added to the lineup of early Sanrio characters in 1974, and had her first appearance on a vinyl coin purse. Since then, she has become a global phenomenon. 

One part of Hello Kitty’s design has sparked some controversy surrounding it. That is, she is not given a mouth. A spokesperson for Sanrio says that Hello Kitty is not normally given a mouth because “without the mouth, it is easier for the person looking at Hello Kitty to project their feelings onto the character” and that “the person can be happy or sad together with Hello Kitty.” Some people were particularly concerned about this. They felt that this showed Hello Kitty as being meek and unspeaking. They thought young girls could be made to feel as if they had no voice. Other people, however, believe that leaving a blank facial expression stimulates imagination in young girls. They believe that leaving the mouth off will allow young girls to imagine what the kitty is going through and imagine that she understands what the girls are telling her. 

In May 2008, Japan named Hello Kitty the ambassador of Japanese tourism in both China and Hong Kong, which are two places where the character is exceptionally popular among children and young women. This marked the first time Japan’s tourism ministry had appointed a fictional character to the role.

【題組】50 Which of the following is true about the last paragraph?
(A) Hello Kitty is perceived mainly as a kids’ brand in Asia.
(B) Hello Kitty is the first tourism ambassador in Japanese history.
(C) Hello Kitty has been better received in Hong Kong than in China.
(D) Hello Kitty was appointed tourism ambassador for her popularity.

難度: 非常簡單
winny 高三上 (2016/06/29)
小弟整理的普考單字~放在最後一題 tenant房客 Symptom 症狀 閱讀測驗 deposit押金 with regard to + n. 關於 Rubber 橡皮 Let 租 by means of 藉著...方法(或手段) Sandal 涼鞋 Brilliant 優秀的 rage 盛行 大怒 Merchandise 商品、存貨 holistic 整體的 gaze 凝視 Occasion 場合、時機 abrupt突然的,意外的   Lineup 陣容 go on strikes. 罷工   Phenomenon 現象 Whereas 處於   Controversy 爭論、爭議 anecdote (n) 軼事 趣聞   Spokesperson 發言人、代言人 extraordinary 非凡、驚奇的   Meek 溫暖的 Eclipse 蝕   Blank 空白 Offspring 子孫  ...
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請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: In 1962, Shint..-阿摩線上測驗