
      ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. It   41   reactions you have to soft voices or soothingsounds such as whispering, tapping, scratching etc.   42   , if a person starts feeling relaxed at the sound of pages in abook turning, they are experiencing ASMR. The feeling starts in the back of your head, and travels down through yourspine into your limbs. 
        43   there isn’t any relevant scientific data about ASMR to support medical claims, it is currently being used by manypeople to battle anxiety and sleeping disorders. It is also believed that listening to ASMR videos has a positive   44   onstudying. More relaxed and focused, listeners are able to perform much better in various creative tasks. ASMR experience is   45   to each person. Different people may prefer different sounds to trigger the feelingand relax. From the sound of tapping to the sound of cutting hair, there are thousands of possible triggers to choose from.

(A)turns down
(B)looks after
(C)takes over
(D)refers to

難度: 簡單
eeeee55 國三上 (2021/04/10)
*請點選查看完整內容 ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. It  refers to 指 reactions you have to soft voices or soothing舒緩的 sounds such as whispering, tapping, scratching etc.  For example , if a person starts feeling relaxed at the sound of pages in a book turning 翻書, they are experiencing ASMR. The feeling starts in the back of your head, and travels down through your spine脊椎 into your limbs四肢. 那種感覺開始於您的後腦,然後向下穿過您的脊椎進入您的四肢。 While there isn`t any relevant 相關的 scientific data about ASMR to support medical claims, .....觀看完整全文...
部梓熙 高二下 (2022/03/14)

ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. It   41   reactions you have to soft voices or soothing sounds such as whispering, tapping, scratching etc.

ASMR 代表自主感覺經絡反應(顱內高潮)。  41   您對輕柔的聲音或舒緩的聲音(如耳語、敲擊、抓撓等)有反應。

(A)turns down 拒絕

(B)looks after 照顧

(C)takes over 接管

(D)refers to 意指

luby19951011 小六下 (2022/06/03)

ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. It  refers to reactions you have to soft voices or soothingsounds such as whispering, tapping, scratching etc.  


autonomous sensory

*~妏心~* 小一下 (2024/02/27)
ASMR stands for代表 autonomous自主 sensory感覺 meridian經絡 response反應、回答. It   refers to提到   reactions反應 you have to soft柔和 voices聲音 or soothing慰藉sounds舒緩聲音 such as whispering耳語, tapping敲擊, scratching抓饒 etc等等.
(A) turns down
(B) looks after
(C) takes over
(D) refers to
ASMR 代表自主感覺經絡反應。它指的是您對柔和的聲音或舒緩的聲音(例如耳語、敲擊、抓撓等)的反應。

請依下文回答第41題至第45題:       ASMR stands for a..-阿摩線上測驗