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請回答第 42 題至第 45 題: In America, most people use a firm handshake, accompanied by direct eye contact, as the standard 42__________ . Occasionally, among very good friends, women may briefly hug other women, and men may quickly kiss the cheek of a woman. Males rarely hug one another, however. Occasionally, men may shake hands with the left hand 43__________ covering the handshake or lightly gripping the forearm. This shows greater warmth and friendship. Many people in the United States tend to stand just about one arm’s 44__________ away from each other while talking or standing in public. This is called “the comfort zone.” Many American women still enjoy having men open doors for them, help them get seated, and give up their seats in public transportation. 45__________ increasing emphasis on equality between the sexes, however, there are some women who object to this type of behavior.
(A) behavior
(B) living
(C) policy
(D) greeting

難度: 簡單
Zoe Lo 大二上 (2015/04/30)

 In Americamost people use a firm handshakeaccompanied by direct eye contactas the standard greeting.在美國,很多人用堅定的握手和直接的眼神接觸,作為標準的方式。

請回答第 42 題至第 45 題: In America, most pe..-阿摩線上測驗