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閱讀測驗 44-46 In computing, phishing is a criminal activity using social engineering techniques. Phishers attempt to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. PayPal and eBay are two of the most targeted companies, and online banks are also common targets. Phishing is typically carried out using email or an instant message and often directs users to give details at a website, although phone contact has been used as well. Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents include legislation, user training, and technical measures. The first recorded mention of the word “phishing” is on the alt.online-service.america-online Usenet newsgroup on January 2, 1996, although the term may have appeared even earlier in the print edition of the hacker magazine 2600. The term phishing is a variant of “fishing”, probably influenced by “phreaking”, and alludes to the use of increasingly sophisticated lures to "fish” for users’ financial information and passwords. These words are examples of so called leetspeak, which is a form of symbolic writing in which alternative characters are used to replace some letters. In leetspeak, ph is a common substitution for f.
【題組】44. According to the passage, which of the following is probably an example of leetspeak?
(A) n00b = newbie
(B) e-mail = electronic mail
(C) www = world wide web
(D) chat = chatter

難度: 適中
C_K 大三上 (2018/07/26)
題目問,哪一組是新創的或合成單字,B C ☆...

Lin Tzu Hung 大一下 (2019/08/20)
在使用電腦中,網絡釣魚是一種使用社交工程技術的犯罪活動。網絡釣魚者試圖通過偽裝成電子通信中值得信賴的實體來欺騙性地獲取機密的訊息,例如用戶名,密碼和信用卡詳細訊息。 PayPal和eBay是兩家最具針對性的公司,在線銀行也是共同的目標。網絡釣魚通常使用電子郵件或即時通訊進行,並且經常指示用戶在網站上提供詳細訊息,儘管也使用了電話聯繫。企圖去處理越來越多的已報導的網絡釣魚事件的包括立法,用戶培訓和技術措施。 1996年1月2日,第一次提到的“網絡釣魚”這個詞出現在alt.online-service.america-online Usenet新聞群組中,儘管該術語可能更早出現在駭客雜誌2600的印刷版本。網絡釣魚是釣魚的變形,可能受到盜用的影響,並且暗示使用越來越複雜的誘餌來釣魚用戶的財務訊息和密碼。這些詞是所謂的leetspeak的例子,這是一種形式象徵性寫作,其中替代符號用於替換一些字母。在leetspeak中,ph是f的常見替代。

閱讀測驗 44-46 In computing, phishing is ..-阿摩線上測驗