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題型二:(第 43 至 45 題) 下面三篇段落各少了一個句子,請依各段文意選出一個最恰當的選項。
【題組】44. Which of the following can best fit into the blank in the paragraph below?
(A) two capsules per meal per day are suggested
(B) effects have on immune function and learning disabilities
(C) we must acquire them from our diet
(D) the best therapeutic levels for you based on lifestyle and general health There are about 50 essential elements our bodies require for everyday health and for longevity. They are considered “essential” because our bodies cannot produce them; _______________. Most of these essential elements are vitamins, minerals and amino acids, but two are the essential fatty acids known as omega 3 and omega 6.

題型二:(第 43 至 45 題) 下面三篇段落各少了一個句子,請依各段文意選出..-阿摩線上測驗