10. The unique Chinese characters are an..-阿摩線上測驗
5F 我愛阿摩,阿摩愛我 (2020/07/21)
character n.(書寫或印刷的)字母,字(或數字、標記、符號);字元 The address was written in Chinese/Japanese characters (= systems of writing). 地址是用漢字/日文寫的。 (A) recreation n.娛樂;消遣(方式) His favorite recreations are golf and playing Scrabble. 他最喜歡的消遣方式是打高爾夫球和玩拼字遊戲。 (B) episode n.事件;(相關的)一連串事件;一段經歷 The drugs, the divorce, and the depression - it's an episode in his life that he wants to forget. 吸毒、離婚和抑鬱——這是他人生中不堪回首的一段經歷。 (C) heritage n.遺產(指流傳下來的具有歷史意義的傳統、語... 查看完整內容 |