醫學五:80題 ( 包括外科,骨科,泌尿科等科目及其相關臨床實例與醫學倫理 )題庫下載題庫

65 一位 55 歲女性兩天前開始左側腰痛,今天全身寒戰(chills)並發燒到 39℃來急診就診,左側腰部 有明顯敲擊痛。醫生為其安排靜脈尿路造影(intravenous pyelography, IVP),結果發現在其左側腎 盂有積水,顯影劑的排泄時間慢於對側腎臟。其血液白血球為 21,500/mm3 ,N/L=92%/6%。請問以下 何者為較佳之處置?
(C)應安排經皮腎盂穿刺造瘻(percutaneous nephrostomy)以引流腎盂積液

難度: 困難
Chris 大二下 (2020/06/12)
The specific treatment of a patient with hydronephrosis and hydroureter depends, of course, on the etiology of the process. Several factors help determine the urgency with which treatment should be initiated. In general, any signs of infection within the obstructed system warrant urgent intervention because infection with hydronephrosis may progress rapidly to sepsis. A mildly elevated white blood cell count is often observed in patients with stones but does not necessarily mandate immediate action in the absence of other signs or symptoms of systemic infection. However, even a low-grade fever...

65 一位 55 歲女性兩天前開始左側腰痛,今天全身寒戰(chills)並發燒到..-阿摩線上測驗