醫學五:80題 ( 包括外科,骨科,泌尿科等科目及其相關臨床實例與醫學倫理 )題庫下載題庫

66 一位 25 歲的半導體工廠員工,右手臂不小心被 49%的氫氟酸(hydrofluoric acid, HF)潑到約 5%體 表面,20 分鐘後到急診室,此時皮膚微紅,起一個直徑兩公分之水泡,無其他全身性症狀。下列敘 述何者錯誤?

難度: 適中
Chris 大二下 (2020/04/07)
HF penetrates quickly through the epidermal layer into the dermis and deeper. Fluoride ions complex with calcium and magnesium, which can lead to hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia. These electrolyte abnormalities and the direct cardiotoxic effects of fluoride ions contribute to the development of cardiac arrhythmias, which are the primary cause of death in HF burns

66 一位 25 歲的半導體工廠員工,右手臂不小心被 49%的氫氟酸(hydro..-阿摩線上測驗