
39 題至第 42 題為題組 Emily Brontë, one of the three gifted Brontë sisters, is the author of the famous English novel Wuthering Heights. She was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, in England, the fifth of six children. In 1820, her family moved to Haworth, 39 her mother died in 1821 and her two elder sisters died in 1825. Her father, a minister, was a stern and sullen man, and the aunt who took over the household was more strict than loving. The four surviving children became a close-knit group and 40 one another with emotional and creative support. 41 in a small and remote community, the four siblings paired off and used their unusual literary gifts to write about imaginary lands. Emily and her younger sister Anne 42 the imaginary country of Gondal and wrote literature for it that included legends and poetry. Gondal remains a source of Emily’s later art, providing the setting, characters, and situations for many of her best dramatic poems and for her novel Wuthering Heights.
(A) covered
(B) provided
(C) dealt
(D) threatened

難度: 簡單
知道自己無知(謙虛),自狂 研一上 (2018/06/04)

(A) covered  /k'ʌvɚ/  蓋子,封面,藉口(vt.)覆蓋,掩飾,保護,掩護,包括(vi.)覆蓋

(B) provided  /prəv'ɑɪd/  (vt.)提供,供應,規定,裝備,預備(vi.)作準備,瞻養,規定

(C) dealt  /d'ɛlt/ (vbl.)處理,相處,deal的過去式

(D) threatened  /θr'ɛtən/ (vt.)威脅,恐嚇,恫嚇;預示…的凶兆(vi.)威脅,恐嚇,恫嚇;似將發生,可能來臨

骨頭(一般警特行政上榜) 大四下 (2019/12/18)

dealt翻譯:(deal 的過去式及過去分詞)。

39 題至第 42 題為題組 Emily Brontë, one of the..-阿摩線上測驗