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17 The medicine-men of the Apache are the most influential personages, claiming to have supernatural power through their many deities and their knowledge of the occult and ominous.
(A) The claim of having supernatural power and having connections with gods and their knowledge has great influence on the Apache medicine-men’s personality.
(B) The Apache medicine-men are supernatural figures possessed by gods who give them knowledge of the underworld.
(C) The Apache medicine-men, who claim to possess supernatural power through their gods and their knowledge of the mysterious world, play a very vital role in the tribe.
(D) The claim of the Apache medicine-men about their supernatural power has great influence on the deities and mythical knowledge of the tribe.

難度: 適中
徐天可 高一上 (2015/12/09)
personage 大人物

deity 神、上帝 (deities 複數)

occult 神秘的儀式

ominous 不吉利的、預兆
徐天可 高一上 (2015/12/09)
possess 擁有/支配

vital 非常重要的

17 The medicine-men of the Apache are th..-阿摩線上測驗