
第二部分:【閱讀測驗 2 篇,四選一單選選擇題 10 題,每題 2 分,合計 20 分】 
    It’s no secret that people like to finish things; there’s something deeply and inexplicably satisfying about crossing the last item off a to-do list or acquiring the final piece of a collectible set. But just how far are people willing to go to achieve “completeness”? A recent research investigated whether it’s possible to harness this desire to motivate people in specific ways. In a series of studies, researchers used visual cues and verbal descriptions to artificially reframe individual items, from donations to tasks to gambles, as cohesive but otherwise arbitrary groups. Then, the effect of such was measured on people’s effort levels and completion rates, and found that behavior changed in significant and meaningful ways, in particular how they generally feel the need to finish up something.
    In an online experiment, researchers showed one group of study subjects images of one, two, or three loose beers with no product packaging, and then asked how many additional bottles they’d want to buy. Most said they’d purchase either nothing more or the number needed to add up to six, representing a traditional six-pack. Researchers discovered, because they were uncomfortable leaving the case incomplete and felt it would be the best if they can buy a complete set. The conclusion is that organizations can fairly easily shift consumers’ go-to quantity for purchases with a simple tweak in product packaging.
    People frequently encounter tasks with no obvious stopping point, prompting the question: “How much is enough?” How many items should we buy? How many friends should we refer? How many times should we donate? Companies may want to consider finding a sweet spot for engagement and setting that as a point of “completion” for purchase. It is highly likely that many people won’t be able to resist their desire to finish. Designing products and packaging by this desire allows companies to generate more sales.

【題組】12. Which of the following about the online experiment is TRUE?
(A) It found that customers can be driven by a sense of completion when making purchases.
(B) It discovered that a traditional six-pack beer product can have a slow turnover.
(C)It used bottles of different beer brands to test customers’ preference for product packaging.
(D) It stated that purchasing more than what is really needed is a waste of resources.

難度: 適中
coffecat13 大四下 (2018/06/03)
Which of the followi☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

綠璐 高三下 (2019/01/12)


業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2019/02/02)

Which of the foll☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2024/04/06)
Researchers discovered, because they were uncomfortable leaving the case incomplete and felt it would be the best if they can buy a complete set.
(A) 研究發現,顧客購買時會受到完成感的驅使。
(B) 它發現傳統的六瓶裝啤酒產品的周轉速度很慢。
(C) 使用不同啤酒品牌的瓶子來測試顧客對產品包裝的偏好。
(D) 指出購買超過實際需求的東西是浪費資源。

第二部分:【閱讀測驗 2 篇,四選一單選選擇題 10 題,每題 2 分,合計 2..-阿摩線上測驗