
Reading Comprehension Although it is not certain where kites originated, we know that they were used in China over 3,000 years ago as a military device. Kites were used to send coded messages between camps. From China, kites spread throughout Asia to Europe. At first they were used by the military as signaling devices, but by the twelfth century they were used as toys by children. In some islands of Polynesia, kites were once used to communicate to the gods. It was believed that they could carry messages to the gods in the sky. In some cultures, kite-flying was a sacred ritual and the kites were built to represent a god in the shape of a bird. Kiteflying was also a custom in Korea; it was a tradition to write the name and birth date of a male child on the kite and then to fly it. The line was then cut so the kite would fly away and take all the bad spirits with it. In the nineteenth century, kites were used to help scientific experiments. Kites were used to help scientists measure wind speed and direction, pressure, temperature, and humidity. In 1894, Lawrence Hargrave was lifted off the ground by his kites while trying to discover a means of flight. Today, kite-flying is enjoyed as a pastime in many countries around the world. There are hundreds of kite-flying clubs and even contests where entrants compete for prizes.
【題組】42Lawrence Hargrave used kites while he was trying to discover ________.
(A) how to predict the weather
(B) a way to fly
(C) wind speed and direction
(D) a new toy for children

難度: 非常簡單
Tracy 大一下 (2019/05/04)
a means of: 一種手段 a m.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
游上岸了 大四下 (2019/04/28)

In 1894, Lawrence Hargrave was lifted off the ground by his kites while trying to discover a means of flight.

堅持教師 IG:insis 研一上 (2021/06/08)

 In 1894, Lawrence Hargrave was lifted off the ground by his kites while trying to discover a means of flight. 

Reading Comprehension Although it is no..-阿摩線上測驗