
7. 一位 32 歲未婚女性主訴最近 4 個月沒有月經,她沒 有性行為也沒有服用任何藥物。身體診察除了有乳汁 分泌及甲狀腺略為腫大外,其餘皆正常。荷爾蒙檢查 顯示泌乳激素(prolactin)60 ng/mL; 生長激素(growth hormone, GH)6 ng/mL; 皮質醇(cortisol) 8 am 為 16 μ g/dL、 4 pm 為 9 μ g/dL;腎上腺皮質激素(ACTH) 46 pg/mL;游離型甲狀腺素 (fT4) 0.9 ng/dL;甲狀腺 刺激素 (TSH) 0.6 μ IU/mL。下列哪一項檢查對於診 斷或治療最可能有幫助? (參考值: Prolactin 1.9~25ng/mL;GH < 8 ng/mL;cortisol 8 am 5~25 μ g/dL、4 pm 2.5~12.5 μ g/dL;ACTH 7.4~57.3 pg/mL; fT4 0.89~1.76 ng/dL;TSH 0.4~4 μ IU/mL)
(A) Insulin hypoglycemia test
(B) Oral glucose tolerance test
(C) TRH stimulation test
(D) Bromocriptine test
(E) ACTH stimulation test 

難度: 簡單

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
. 大三上 (2021/03/26):

病人的抽血數據看起來是 prolactin 過高。

Hyperprolactinemia is the most common pituitary hormone hypersecretion syndrome in both men and women. Amenorrhea, galactorrhea, and infertility are the hallmarks of hyperprolactinemia in women.

Bromocriptine The ergot alkaloid bromocriptine mesylate is a dopamine receptor agonist that suppresses prolactin secretion. Because it is short-acting, the drug is preferred when pregnancy is desired. In microadenomas, bromocriptine rapidly lowers serum prolactin levels to normal in up to 70% of patients, decreases tumor size, and restores gonadal function. In patients with macroadenomas, prolactin levels are also normalized in 70% of patients, and tumor mass shrinkage (≥ 50%) is achieved in most patients.



7. 一位 32 歲未婚女性主訴最近 4 個月沒有月經,她沒 有性行為也沒有服用..-阿摩線上測驗