
39. Can you picture the desert? The real, hot, sandy desert is crossed by long caravans of camels _______ with cargoes of rare goods. Sand is everywhere, and occasionally you see one or two palm trees on the skyline. When you get there you find an oasis consisting of _______ with a trickle of greenish water.
(A) landed … a spin
(B) loaded … a spine
(C) laden … a spring
(D) loaned … a stint

難度: 困難
已上岸,謝謝阿摩 大二下 (2019/05/19)
題目很長,分成兩段解析:題目:Can you picture(想像) the desert? The real, hot, sandy(沙色的) desert is crossed by long caravans(車隊) of camels laden(載滿的) with cargoes(貨物) of rare goods(商品).landed   adj. (世世代代)擁有大量土地的,擁有世襲土地laden adj. 負重的;裝滿的,載滿的例句:He always comes back from France laden with presents for everyon.....看完整詳解
Meiyi 高一下 (2021/04/19)

Can you picture(想像) the desert? The real, hot, sandy desert is crossed(橫渡) by long caravans(商隊) of camels(駱駝) laden(裝滿的) with cargoes(貨物) of rare goods.

(A) landed … a spin
(B) loaded(裝滿) … a spine(脊椎)
(C) laden(裝滿) … a spring(泉水)
(D) loaned(借款) … a stint

77老師 大二下 (2022/04/27)

* picture v. 想像、caravan n. 車隊/香客大隊、camel n.駱駝、cargo n.貨物

* oasis n.綠洲、consist of 組成


(A) landed a. 擁有世襲土地的;a spin n.紡

(B) loaded a.裝貨的 ; a spine n.脊椎

(C) laden a.負重的/裝滿的; a spring n.春天/彈簧

(D) loaned v.n.借出 ; a stint n.濱鷸

chen 大二上 (2023/03/15)

camels _______ with cargoes of rare goods.


(A)landed adj. (世世代代)擁有大量土地的,擁有世襲土地

(B) load adj.裝貨的,裝有彈藥的,喝醉的/v.把...裝上車,裝...

(C)laden adj. 負重的,裝滿的,載滿的

(D)loaned v.借出

you find an oasis consisting of a spring  with a trickle of greenish water.  你會看到一個綠洲,由有清澈水源流出來的_____所組成>>選泉水,而不是脊椎>>答C
(A)spin n.旋轉,目眩,兜風,疾馳/v.紡紗,結網,目眩,旋轉,吐絲,作繭   (B)spine n. 脊椎,書背
(C)spring n. 春天,溫泉,彈簧,泉水
(D)stint v.限制,停止,吝嗇,節省...

39. Can you picture the desert? The real..-阿摩線上測驗