
40. “Clownfish are small, colorful saltwater fish. They are bright orange with black and white sprites. These fish are found in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean near coral reefs. They live among sea anemones, which protect them.” This passage does NOT tell _______.
(A) where clownfish live
(B) what kind of water clownfish need
(C) the colors on the body of a clownfish
(D) how the sea anemones protect the clownfish

難度: 非常簡單
Cherry Lin 高二上 (2019/05/19)
“Clownfish are small, colorful saltwater fish. They are bright orange with black and white sprites. These fish are found in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean near coral reefs. They live among sea anemones, which protect them.” This passage does NOT tell _______.小丑魚是小而多彩的鹹水魚(B)。.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
皇冠會掉 大一上 (2019/05/21)

sea anemones 海葵

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40. “Clownfish are small, colorful saltw..-阿摩線上測驗