【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看


37. Students listen twice to a short talk. The first time, students listen for the main idea, and then the second time the listen for details. Next, students write down what they have remembered from the talk based on their notes taken while listening. Then, they work with a partner to construct together the best version of what they have heard. What they write is shared with the whole class for a peer-editing session. This technique is called __________.
(A)graphic organizer
(B) dialogue journal
(C) auditory discrimination
(D) dictogloss

難度: 適中
chihying 高一上 (2020/02/18)
(A) Graphic Organizer(信息組織圖),就是用 graphics(圖形)去 organize information(組織信息)的意思。它其實和 Thinking Map(思維圖)有點像,目的都是將信息可視化。 不過,思維圖的重點是利用圖形幫助思考,展現的常常是一個發散性思考過程;而信息組織圖最大的特色是幫人把腦子裡一大堆散亂的知識轉換和壓縮成結構化的圖表信息,用簡單的方式體現複雜的知識。一句話,Graphic Organizer 能幫我們把 information 變成 knowledge. 原文網址:https://read01.com/yNPnm5.html   (C) auditory discrimination 辨音能力   (D) Dictogloss資訊綜合練習 Dictogloss is basically a writing activity in which learners attempt to reconstruct a short piece of text which .....看完整詳解
夏宇彤_109北市南市英師 高三下 (2020/05/10)
Dialogue Journals: Interactive Writing to Develop Language and Literacy Dialogue journals are written conversations in which a learner and teacher communicate regularly (daily, weekly, or on a schedule that fits the educational setting) over a semester, school year, or course. Learners write as much as they choose on a wide range of topics and in a variety of genres and styles. The teacher writes back regularly, responding to questions and comments, introducing new topics, or asking questions....
Alice Ho 高三上 (2021/12/14)


   Dictogloss又名Grammar Dictation,是由語言學家Ruth Wajnryb1990)提出的有別於傳統聽寫法的新型教學手段。國內學者對於Dictogloss的命名各不相同,其中使用頻率較高的有:整體聽寫法、聽記法、聽力重構、合作聽寫。


江孟慈 幼兒園下 (2022/04/05)

A dialogue journal is an ongoing written interaction between two people to exchange experiences, ideas, knowledge or reflections. It is used most often in education as a means of sustained written interaction between students and teachers at all education levels. It can be used to promote second language learning (English and other languages) and learning in all areas.

Dialogue journals are used in many schools as a form of communication between teachers and students to improve the life that they share in the classroom by exchanging ideas and shared topics of interest, promoting writing in ...


37. Students listen twice to a short tal..-阿摩線上測驗