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20 Bollywood, the Hindi film industry, until now ruled by stars mostly in their 40s, is looking to attract younger audiences with sexier, funnier storylines and younger casts.
(A) Bollywood is going through a makeover to appeal to younger audiences.
(B) The current actors have been hesitant to look for younger people to work with.
(C) The Hindi film industry is keeping its traditions by changing storylines and actors.
(D) Most stars in their 40s are uncomfortable with storylines that need to be updated.

難度: 適中
sesame 大三上 (2015/08/03)
寶萊塢, 北印度的電影工業,直到現在大多由他們40幾歲的明星支配,現在以更性感、更有趣的故事情節以及更年輕的演員陣容,吸引更年輕的觀眾。

(A) Bollywood is going through a makeover to appeal to younger audiences. 

20 Bollywood, the Hindi film industry, u..-阿摩線上測驗