
  Nowadays, the everyday piracy of intellectual property has become even more common than the piracy at sea. (26) engage in using illegal software or downloading copyright music without paying for it have come to be known as modern pirates. Their illegal acts can result in three main downsides.One is that the cost of piracy (27) the cost of a product. When the official producers want to make the same profit, they often have to raise the price of their products. Another issue is that piracy (28) the creators of intellectual property from continuing to create. It is certain that no one would want to work if he or she (29) underpaid or unpaid. The final negative effect of piracy is that intellectual property piracy creates a culture (30) it is acceptable to use things for free. Even though the intellectual property industry has been trying several approaches, they still cannot change the culture of stealing intellectual property.

(A) Those
(B) That
(C) Those who
(D) Anyone who

難度: 簡單
大千 國二上 (2019/12/06)
▍engage 及物v.① 吸引、佔用The book engaged my full attention. 這本書完全把我吸引住了。Housework engages much of her time. 家事佔用她很多時間。② 使參加Once Mrs. Kirkpatrick engages you in conversation, you're stuck with her for half an hour.一旦柯克派翠克夫人跟你聊起來,不說上半個小時她是不會放過你的。③ 雇用engage 人 as 職業/職位 僱用某人做...engage 人 to-V.  聘請某人做某事※ Employ 一般意義的招聘;Engage 雇用,原意是使某人參與做某事,用做雇用的時候表示尊敬,只能接特定的職業,比如lawyer律師,以示對他們的一種尊敬,相當於你不僅是雇用了律師,也是邀請他來參與你的案子。④ 使齧ㄋ一ㄝˋ合engage...
L. L. 國三下 (2020/07/09)
1. Anyone who engage”s”
2. Those engage的話,就出現engage/ have兩個動詞,所以不能選those
3. Those (people) who engage... have, engage為關代子句中的動詞,這樣結構才正確
Danny Chang 國三上 (2020/07/27)

the everyday pira☆☆ ☆☆ ...

“勞謙君子,有終吉” 研一下 (2020/08/06)

 (26)engage in using illegal software or downloading copyright music without paying for it have come to be known as modern pirates. 


(A) Those那些

(B) That

(C) Those who那些

(D) Anyone who任何人

三、克漏字  Nowadays, the everyday piracy of ..-阿摩線上測驗