
  Nowadays, the everyday piracy of intellectual property has become even more common than the piracy at sea. (26) engage in using illegal software or downloading copyright music without paying for it have come to be known as modern pirates. Their illegal acts can result in three main downsides.One is that the cost of piracy (27) the cost of a product. When the official producers want to make the same profit, they often have to raise the price of their products. Another issue is that piracy (28) the creators of intellectual property from continuing to create. It is certain that no one would want to work if he or she (29) underpaid or unpaid. The final negative effect of piracy is that intellectual property piracy creates a culture (30) it is acceptable to use things for free. Even though the intellectual property industry has been trying several approaches, they still cannot change the culture of stealing intellectual property.

(A) applies to
(B) adheres to
(C) adds to
(D) attributes to

難度: 適中
因音 大四上 (2019/11/30)
Their illegal acts can result in three main downsides.One is that the cost of piracy adds tothe cost of a product.他們.....看完整詳解
大千 國二上 (2019/12/07)

▍apply to 適用於、向...申請(或要求)、塗抹

The argument applies to this case. 這理由適用於此一情形。
We applied to them for help. 我們向他們求援。
We applied to the bank for a loan. 我們向銀行申請了一項貸款。
We applied the ointment to the cut. 我們把藥膏塗在傷口上。

※ apply for +要申請的東西,如職位、學籍、認可等等:
I applied forseveral jobs and was offered one.

▍adhere 黏附、遵守

The paint adheres to any surface. 這種油漆可附著於各種表面。
adhere to a principle 堅持原則
adhere to a treaty/schedule/rule 遵守協議/工作計劃/規則

▍add to... 使...增加

His illne...

大一上 (2022/10/14)

apply to 機構 for 事物
ex: I want to apply to the bank for the loan. 我想向銀行申請貸款

三、克漏字  Nowadays, the everyday piracy of ..-阿摩線上測驗