
      Binge drinking is one sort of alcohol abuse that is often overlooked. Binge drinkers typically drink only a few days per week, or month. They   36   their drinking periods around their responsibilities, such as work and school, so their partying often is   37   as blowing off steam, social drinking, or otherwise normal. However, binge drinking can lead to the same, or worse,   38   as chronic, daily drinking.
      According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), binge drinking is defined as times when one’s blood alcohol content reaches .08 percent or above. This is the legal   39   for drunkenness and men breach this limit when they drink five or more alcoholic beverages within two hours. Women, on average, exceed .08 when they drink four or more drinks in the same   40   of time.

(A) concentrated
(B) entitled
(C) overlooked
(D) terminated

難度: 困難
Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2020/09/08)
(A) concentrated 專心致志/全神貫注/全力以赴/濃縮(B) entitle 給予權利/使符合資格/給…命名/給…題名(C) overl.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Jenny Yeh 大三下 (2020/09/27)

☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

顯示者 ⁴/6 高三上 (2021/10/30)

blow off (some) steam
To release strong emotions or energy by engaging in some kind of enjoyable, vigorous, or relaxing activity.

先不自量力地略翻一下空格所在的子句: 所以他們的暢飲一般被合理化成宣洩情緒、社交飲酒(應酬)或甚至例行公事(日常) so their partying is often overlooked as blowing off steam, social drinking, or otherwise normal 然後再解釋一下翻法,partying 如同大家所認知的「開派對」,僅就此句,帶入「開派對」尚過表面,因為全文圍繞的主題在喝酒上,再者派對上酒也不可少,所以我就自動地翻 partying 作暢飲(酒),是依據上下文及主旨才翻暢飲,並不是所見或字典上的都作暢飲。 這裡的 overl...

第二篇:      Binge drinking is one sort of ..-阿摩線上測驗