請依下文回答第 12 題至第 16 題 The Buddhist..-阿摩線上測驗
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5F Liaoreki 幼兒園下 (2021/08/31)
This process is not endless, however. The soul seeks the upward path, and after innumerable incarnations can, through meditation and contemplation, become aware of the universal meaning of things. The Buddha is released from the cycle of death and rebirth, transcends the forms and changes of the material universe, and dwells forever in a timeless, formless, and unchanging state known as Nirvana. 然而,這個過程不是無止境的。靈魂尋求向上的道路,經過無數次的化身,透過冥想和沉思,可以意識到事物的普遍意義。佛陀從死亡和重生的輪回中解脫出來,超越了物質宇宙的形式和變化,永遠居住在一個被稱為涅槃的永恒、... 查看完整內容 |
6F luby19951011 小六下 (2022/05/29)
transcends the forms and changes of the material universe 超越物質宇宙的形式和變化 transcend national or cultural barriers. 超越了民族或文化隔閡 |