

請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
        Researchers have found interesting facts about birth order. Psychologists say many firstborns face pressure to succeed from their parents. They tend to be the parents' main focus until a brother or sister is born. These facts may help explain why firstborn children tend to be high achieving. Firstborns tend to score higher on intelligence tests and are usually taller and healthier than siblings born after them. Firstborns tend to be highly successful. More than half of all members of Congress are firstborns, as have been many U.S. presidents.
        Studies show middle children can feel lost in a family because they have to deal with parents on the one hand and with siblings on the other. This position often helps them learn to negotiate conflicts. It can help make them highly competitive. They are often less self-confident than their siblings and are the most likely to get into arguments and become rebels.
        Researchers has shown that youngest children can be the focus of the rest of the family, but sometimes feel lost while the focus is on older children. They tend to be the most emotionally sensitive siblings. That may be why many of them draw attention to themselves with humor or artistic interests. This fact may help explains why many youngest children become artists or performers.
        Not everyone, however, agrees that birth order is important. For example, Serena Williams says she is motivated by sibling rivalry, not birth order. "No one gets more motivated than [Venus], her sister, because I don't want her to catch up with me."

【題組】31 Why do first children tend to be high achievers?
(A) Their parents usually focus on them a lot.
(B) They learn to deal with their parents and siblings.
(C) Their parents force them to be.
(D) They need to compete with the youngest for attention.

難度: 簡單
112地特必上 高三上 (2021/06/26)


 研究人員發現了有關出生順序的有趣事實。心理學家說,許多長子都面臨著來自父母的成功壓力。在兄弟或姐妹出生之前,他們往往是父母的主要關注點。這些事實可能有助於解釋為什麼頭生的孩子往往成績優異。長子往往在智力測試中得分更高,並且通常比在他們之後出生的兄弟姐妹更高更健康。長子往往是非常成功的。一半以上的國會議員都是長子,許多美國總統也是如此。         研究表明,中間的孩子可能會在家庭中感到迷失,因為他們一方面要與父母打交道,另一方面要與兄弟姐妹打交道。這個位置經常幫助他們學會協商衝突。它可以幫助他們提高競爭力。他們通常不如他們的兄弟姐妹那麼自信,並且最有可能發生爭吵並成為叛逆者。  ...
幫按讚 大四上 (2021/06/28)

【題組】31 Why do fir☆☆ ...

김민주 大四上 (2021/07/14)

Researchers have found interesting facts about birth order. Psychologists say many firstborns face pressure to succeed from their parents. They tend to be the parents' main focus until a brother or sister is born. These facts may help explain why firstborn children tend to be high achieving. Firstborns tend to score higher on intelligence tests and are usually taller and healthier than siblings born after them. Firstborns tend to be highly successful. More than half of all members of Congress are firstborns, as have been many U.S. presidents.

研究人員發現了有關出生順序的有趣事實。 心理學家說...


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題      ..-阿摩線上測驗