

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
        I got sick last July with a crushing flu-like illness, and since then I have suffered from insomnia, day chills and night sweats, nausea, debilitating fatigue, low blood sugar, low appetite, shooting pain, anxiety, and more. This is why you have not seen me around much. I have had to cancel or turn down so much of my work and have missed so many friend and family experiences. I have seen eight doctors, two acupuncturists, and an herbalist. Finally one month ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. 
        Lyme disease, first reported in the town of Lyme, Connecticut, in 1975, is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans by ticks. Usually, the tick must be attached for 24 to 48 hours to transmit infection. One of the signs of infection is a “bull’s eye” rash, a sign that bacteria are multiplying in the bloodstream. The rash is neither itchy nor painful, and about 25-50% of infected people do not develop a rash. I never had this bull’s eye rash, and I was never aware of a tick bite last summer. Ticks are very tiny and most people with Lyme disease have no memory of a tick bite. Besides the rash, early symptoms include fever, sore throat, headache and fatigue, many of which are common in other diseases. These are why the disease is often misdiagnosed. I’ve been misdirected by doctors for the past ten months. I just learned that May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Here is some more information we all need to know.
        Lyme disease is estimated to affect 300,000 people a year in the United States. Infections are most common in the spring and early summer. Lyme disease is best treated in the early stages. Early treatment is a simple 14 to 21 day course of oral antibiotics to eliminate infection. If it is not diagnosed and treated early, the bacteria can spread and go into hiding in different parts of the body. Months or years later, patients may develop problems with the brain and nervous system.
        I’d like to thank everyone close to me who has been a huge support. I have been receiving antibiotic treatment for one week and hoping for the best recovery. Late Lyme detection makes the disease difficult to treat and heal, but I am hopeful.

【題組】44 Which of the following statements about Lyme disease is true?
(A) Cold weather increases the risk of infection.
(B) The disease can be transmitted through water or food.
(C) Treatment is not easy even if the disease is diagnosed early.
(D) The duration of tick attachment is a factor in bacteria transmission.

難度: 簡單
112地特必上 高三上 (2021/06/26)


去年 7 月我得了一種類似開口的嚴重疾病,那以後我一直以來,從發冷和盜汗這件事,昏迷,虛弱的虛弱,脾氣,狡猾,重彈,低射痛,焦慮等等。就是為什麼你沒有見到我。我不得不取消或拒絕我的很多工作,錯過了很多朋友和家人的經歷。我見過八位醫生,兩位針灸師和一位草藥師。終於在一個月前,我被診斷出自萊姆病。          萊姆病於1975年年在康涅狄格州萊姆鎮首次報導,一種的英文由伯氏疏螺旋行業釋義體育細菌引起的傳染病,它必須通過蚌傳播給人類。 2 48 小時才能傳播感染。感染的每一層是“牛”的皮疹,這是通常在血液中皮膚的痛皮。皮疹不癢也不痛。 ,大約有 25-50% 的感染者不會出現皮疹。我從來沒有出現過這種牛眼皮...
김민주 大四上 (2021/07/14)

I got sick last July with a crushing flu-like illness, and since then I have suffered from insomnia, day chills and night sweats, nausea, debilitating fatigue, low blood sugar, low appetite, shooting pain, anxiety, and more. This is why you have not seen me around much. I have had to cancel or turn down so much of my work and have missed so many friends and family experiences. I have seen eight doctors, two acupuncturists, and an herbalist. Finally one month ago I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. 

去年 7 月我得了一種類似流感的嚴重疾病,從那以後我一直失眠、白天發冷和盜汗、噁心、虛弱的疲勞、低...

luby19951011 小六下 (2022/05/29)

 duration 持續一段時間

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題        I got sick la..-阿摩線上測驗