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30. Many people have the impression that anything that goes wrong with a computer is caused by a virus.
(A) From hardware failures to errors in use, everything is blamed on a virus. A virus is not just any damaging condition.
(B) Similarly, it is now popularly believed that any program that may do damage to your data or inhibit access to computing resources is a virus.
(C) Viral programs are not simply programs that do damage.
(D) As a matter of fact, a virus is a program that introduces itself into a system. ¯ 第四大題:段落重組(第 31−40 題) 說明:以下十題每題各有若干句子,請就段落文意連貫的目的,選出正確之組合選項,並 將答案代號標記在答案卡上。 ¯

30. Many people have the impression that..-阿摩線上測驗