32 當妊娠期間的婦女出現有異食症(pica syndrome)時,應該懷疑與下..-阿摩線上測驗
1F 宏爺 國一上 (2018/04/06)
●The diagnosis of pica is based on an individual's report of craving and intentional consumption of substances not culturally defined as food (eg, earth, clay, starch, ice, paper). (See 'Definition' above and 'Diagnosis' above.) ●Pica occurs in all populations. The prevalence is increased in pregnant women from sub-Saharan Africa, Southeastern United States, the Indian subcontinent, and Latino populations. Medical disorders associated with pica include iron deficiency, zinc deficiency, anemia, celiac disease, and renal dialysis. (See 'Prevalence and epidemiology' above.... 查看完整內容 |