
Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension and Reasoning Skills: 60 points (SectionⅢconsists of six passages On a variety of topics. Each passage is followed by five questions. Please read the passages closely and answer the questions based on what is stated or implied.) 
【 單 選 題 】 共 六 篇 閱 讀 選 文 , 每 篇 文 章 五 題 , 每 題 2 分 , 共 30 題 , 答 錯 1 題 倒 扣 0﹒5 分 , 倒 扣 至 本 大 題 零 分 為 止 ﹔ 若 未 作 答 , 不 絡 分 亦 不 扣 分 。 
Reading 1
Iam most interested in the kinds of true war stories and war memories capacious enough to include the blood and guts as well as the boring and the quotidian﹒ True war stories acknowledge war﹁s true identity, which is that while war is hell, war is normal, too. War is both inhuman and human, as are its participants. Photographer Tod Papageorge’s American Sports, 1970: Or How We Spent the War 沁 Vietnam portrays war in exactly this fashion. The book features seventy photographs, all but one capturing American sporting events: the players and the fans, the press conferences and the team buses, the dugouts and the locker rooms, with the participants being men, women, young, old, black, white, ugly, beautiful. The last photograph is the one that does not depict a sporting event or its participants. It is of the War Memorial in Indianapolis, with these words on the facing page﹕ “In 1970, 4,221 American troops were killed in Vietnam.” This is horror as an appendix to the banal, which is how many civilians experience war. Papageorge suggests that even as American soldiers die abroad, life continues at home, an experience repeated decades later with America’s wars in the Middle East, which often hardly feel like wars at all in the United States. While O’Brien’s stories may be true war stories from a soldier’s point of view, Papageorge’s photos are true war stories from a civilian﹁s point of view. The spectacular gore of a certain kind of true war story distracts us from the dull hu of the war machine in which we live, a massive mechanism greased with banalities, bolted together by triviality, and enabled by passive consent. To tell and hear these kinds of banal and boring true war stories is necessary for what philosopher William James called “the war against war.” So far as we imagine wars to be dangerous (but thrilling), wars will notend﹒ Perhaps when we see how boring wars actually are, how war seeps into everyday life, then we might want to imagine stopping wars. The citizenry can end war at any time by refusing to go along with it, which is no easy matter---perhaps even utopia itself, versus the passive consent to the contemporary global dystopia of perpetual war.

【題組】21.Based on the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true about the book American Sports, 1970: Or How We Spent the War in Vietnam?
(A)Its representation of the Vietnam War captures what the author of the passage calls “war’s true identity.”
(B) Its perspective of war is different from that of O’Brien’s war stories.
(C) The last photograph in the book is of the War Memorial in Indianapolis.
(D)lt suggests that for many civilians, life goes on despite the horror of war abroad.
(E) It reveals the striking resemblance between American sports and the war.

難度: 計算中

倒數 3天 ,已有 1 則答案
Celeste 小五下 (2024/06/11):

(A) 它對越南戰爭的描述,展現文章作者所稱的「戰爭的真實面貌」。

(B) 它對戰爭的觀點與奧布萊恩的戰爭故事不同。

(C) 書中的最後一張照片是印第安納波利斯的戰爭紀念碑。

(D) 文章指出,儘管海外戰爭的恐怖存在,對許多平民來說,生活仍在繼續。

(E) 文章揭示了美國體育與戰爭之間的驚人相似之處。
選項 (E) 是錯誤的,
《American Sports, 1970: Or How We Spent the War in Vietnam》這本書並不像選項 (E) 所說的那樣,揭示了美國體育與越南戰爭之間的驚人相似之處。這本書實際上更像是一本攝影集,用照片來展示1970年美國的體育場景。作者用這些照片巧妙而深刻地將越南戰爭與美國人觀看體育比賽的態度進行了對比。



因此,選項 (E) 所說的“揭示了美國體育與越南戰爭之間的驚人相似之處”並不符合書中的實際內容。書中所呈現的,是戰爭如何以一種微妙而深刻的方式影響了美國人的日常生活。


* 書名中的“Or How We Spent the War in Vietnam”表明,作者並非想探討體育與戰爭之間的相似之處,而是想展示美國人在戰爭時期是如何度過閒暇時光的。
* 書中的照片並沒有將體育比賽和戰爭場景進行直接的對比,而是以一種更為含蓄的方式將兩者聯繫起來。
* 作者在書中並沒有對照片進行任何解釋或評論,而是讓讀者自己去感受和理解照片所傳達的含義。

總而言之,《American Sports, 1970: Or How We Spent the War in Vietnam》這本書是一本發人深省的作品,它以一種獨特的方式記錄了越南戰爭對美國社會的影響。

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension and Reasoning S..-阿摩線上測驗