
35. In a medical study of nearly 5,000 adults, half of them  were given one aspirin a day and the other half given a placebo, it was found that those taking aspirin suffered 38 percent fewer heart attacks than those who weren’t.
(A)half of them
(D)who weren’t

難度: 非常困難
Lisa 小一上 (2016/06/17)
(A) one ha.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
lingling 高二下 (2021/05/02)

 In a medical study of nearly 5,000 adults, half of them  were given one aspirin a day and the other half given a placebo, it was found that those taking aspirin suffered 38 percent fewer heart attacks than those who weren’t.

可以明顯看到兩大子句沒有連接詞,所以藍色子句必須是adults的關係子句才合文法,也就是改成one half of whom

這是我的想法 請各位指教~

每天都要努力 大二下 (2021/05/12)

These kids, who are from poor families, can’t receive a good education and thus have to work at an early age.


其中由關係代名詞 who 所引導的關係子句 who are from poor families 是用來修飾前面的先行詞 these kids。

one of / two of / some of / most of...等,來表示「他們其中之一 / 他們其中之二 / 他們中的一些 / 他們大部分...等」

原先的關代 who 在前面遇到介係詞 of 後,who 必須改為受格的 whom,但是另一個關代 which 則不受影響。


Chloe特教上岸 大三上 (2023/04/13)


In a medical study of nearly 5,000 adults, one half of whom  were given one aspirin a day and the other half given a placebo, it was found that those taking aspirin suffered 38 percent fewer heart attacks than those who weren’t.

在對近 5,000 名成年人進行的一項醫學研究中,其中一半每天服用一片阿司匹林,另一半服用安慰劑,結果發現服用阿司匹林的人比不服用阿司匹林的人心髒病發作率低 38%。

35. In a medical study of nearly 5,000 a..-阿摩線上測驗