
36-45) Children are not born with integrity or the behaviors we (36) it, like honesty, honor, respect, authenticity, social responsibility, and the courage to (37) what they believe is right. It is derived through a process of (38) -- influences from all spheres of a child's life. In their school environments, students acquire these values and behaviors from adult (39) and peers, and in particular, through an understanding of the principles of academic integrity. When students learn integrity in classroom settings, it helps them (40) similar principles (40) other aspects of their lives. Most K-12 educators recognize that the students they teach today will become the leaders of tomorrow. Academic curriculum is (41) to meet the (42) of a changing knowledge society. Yet we pay far less attention to the habits that build ethical leaders -- habits that develop during childhood and adolescence. A recent study noted that 40 percent of U.S. faculty members (43) cases of cheating in their courses, an indication that teachers don't want to (44) or deal with angry parents. Research (45) the Educational Testing Service suggests troubling issues related to the development of K-12 student integrity.
(A) stand up
(B) stand up for
(C) put up to
(D) put up with

難度: 非常簡單
高高 國三下 (2017/04/24)
stand up for支持, 捍衛We should be ready at all.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
109台中英師 大一下 (2018/12/04)

and the courage to (37) what they believe is right. 



(A) stand up 起立

(B) stand up for 支持

(C) put up to --> put sb up to sth 唆使(某人)做

例句: I think he was put up to it by his friends.


(D) put up with 忍受,忍耐

例句: I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean.


36-45) Children are not born with integ..-阿摩線上測驗