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40 Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) was renowned for his sharp, witty drawings for the New Yorker magazine and widely acclaimed for expertly crossing the boundaries between illustration, cartoons and fine art.
(A)Saul Steinberg was famous for including different art forms in the design of the New Yorker magazine, particularly his appealing drawings.
(B)Saul Steinberg was famous for being a creative artist though he was less well-known for being a cartoonist for the New Yorker magazine.
(C)Saul Steinberg was praised for the brilliant drawings he did for the New Yorker magazine, but criticized for mixing different art forms in his works.
(D)Saul Steinberg was famous for his clever drawings for the New Yorker magazine and his ability to blend different art forms into his works.

難度: 適中
吳蕊蕙 高三下 (2012/10/31)


索爾伯格 (1914年-1999) 是著名的紐約客 》 雜誌他又機智的繪圖和熟練地跨越邊界的插圖、 漫畫和美術之間廣泛好評。
Shi Jou 大三下 (2013/01/14)

40索爾·斯坦伯格1914年至1999年是著名的他的犀利,機智圖紙紐約客“(New Yorker)雜誌和廣受好評的專業插圖,卡通藝術之間的界限交叉
(A)是著名的索爾·斯坦伯格包括不同的藝術形式紐約客“(New Yorker)雜誌的設計,特別是他吸引人的圖紙
(B)是著名的索爾·斯坦伯格一個創造性的藝術家雖然他是一個紐約客“(New Yorker)雜誌漫畫家知名度較低
(C)索爾·斯坦伯格的輝煌圖紙,他為紐約客“(New Yorker)雜誌好評但批評在他的作品中混合不同的藝術形式


40 Saul Steinberg (1914-1999) was renown..-阿摩線上測驗