
40 We essentially know the world in terms of a specific cultural package or preconception, and we are so unaware of it that the most liberal of us go through life with a kind of ethnocentricity that automatically rules out all other ways of seeing the world.
(A) We pursue diversity in our lives and are always aware of different cultures.
(B) We have a clear understanding that we need to incorporate different cultures in our ways of life.
(C) We are born into a cultural preconception that we call reality and never question it.
(D) Most of us go through life not knowing that we are liberated by cultural package.

難度: 困難
失敗不是世界末日,放棄才是 大四上 (2018/08/07)
We essentially know the world in terms of a specific cultural package or preconception, and we are so unaware of it that the most liberal of us go through life with a kind of ethnocentricity that automatically rules out all other ways of seeing the world.我們基本上從特定的文化包裝或先入為主的角度來了解這個世界,而我們卻沒有意識到這一點,我們.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
sj03js03 小一下 (2018/11/22)

(A) We pursue div☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

Robert 大二下 (2019/06/02)






ckvhome 高二上 (2019/06/24)

(A) We pursue liberty in our lives and rule out different ways in terms of a specific cultural package or preconception.     
(B) We are unaware that we need to incorporate know different cultures in our ways of life.: 引文沒提到incorporate 
(C) We are born into the most liberal life that we call reality and never question it by cultural package
(D) Most of us go through life not knowing that we are liberated by cultural package. : not know= unaware of

40 We essentially know the world in term..-阿摩線上測驗