43 The exception derives from the intere..-阿摩線上測驗
![]() | 2F 骨頭(一般警特行政正取) 大四下 (2019/11/03)
The exception除外的人;例外的事物 derives導出,派生出;取得、由來 from the interests興趣,關注, 愛好, 吸引力, 好處, 利益,好處、利息 in officer safety and evidence _____ that are typically implicated牽連,涉及 in arrest situation. (A)preservation翻譯:保護,維護;保藏,保養。 |
![]() | 3F yue (不販資料有販售請 大三上 (2020/10/18)
The exception derives from the interests in officer safety and evidence _____ that are typically implicated in arrest situation. 此例外是源自於在涉及逮捕情狀發生的時候,與警察有關的安全性與證物保全利益。 exception 此指例外 derives from 源自於... implicated 牽連、攀上 (A)preservation 保留、保存 (B)prevention 預防 (C)distraction 分心 (D)distribution 分配 |
![]() | 4F 專功英文(Line: en (2021/08/31)
專功英文- 2021.8.29 國考英文每日一題 The exception derives from the interests in officer safety and evidence _____ that are typically implicated in arrest situation. 這個例外源自於對警員人身安全和保全證據的關注,
選項: (A) preservation (n)保存(B) prevention (n)預防 (C) distraction (n)分心 (D) distribution (n) 分配 解說: 此題考單字, 單字記住即可選出答案 except (介) 除了~外
derive from ~ 源自於~
interests (n) 興趣; 關注
officer (n) 警察
safety (n) 安全
evidence (n) 證據 evident (a) 明顯的
preservation ... 查看完整內容 專功英文- 2021.8.29 國考英文每日一題 The exception derives from the interests in officer safety and evidence _____ that are typically implicated in arrest situation. 這個例外源自於對警員人身安全和保全證據的關注,
選項: (A) preservation (n)保存
43 The exception derives from the intere..-阿摩線上測驗
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