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46 題至第 50 題測驗整體閱讀理解能力,請讀完全文後,從各題四個選項中選出一個正確答案。 
For more than 50 years, those in higher education have recognized the “sophomore slump.” After the first year filled with novelty and excitement, sophomores often struggle to find their passions and set their goals, which leaves them with a sense of inertia and disorganization. They realize there are discrepancies between their expectations and the realities of college which lead to feelings of uncertainty about their futures. Consequently, sophomores may become disengaged and may even drop out. Moreover, without the aid of an intentional process to work through this confusion, sophomores are left to choose majors of careers they know little about.
 Career-scape (C-scape) is one university’s unique sophomore year integrated learning experience, designed to help students to plan their careers. It takes students through a comprehensive process of discovering and integrating their personal and professional landscapes, using their personal compass to define their direction, and personally mapping the steps to get there. This program is unique because it builds on Fink’s seminal framework on integrated design of significant learning experiences. The aim of C-scape is to actively engage sophomores in the process of taking responsibility for their own learning and their future personal and professional success.

【題組】47 Which of the following statements best describes the underlined expression “sophomore slump”?
(A) It is a sense of confusion after a freshman fails the first year.
(B) It is a slump a sophomore travels through after an uphill drive.
(C) It is a sense of inactivity after the freshman year excitement wanes.
(D) It is a bump a sophomore encounters after mountain climbing.

難度: 簡單
許武忠 賣點鑽石回饋阿摩 高二下 (2015/07/25)
wanes. 消逝
Mamiifun 高三下 (2016/08/05)
“sophomore slump.” After the first year filled with novelty and excitement, 

 after a freshman fails the first year--題目並沒有提到新鮮人第一年"失敗"(x)
? 高三下 (2021/08/02)
Which of the following statements best describes the underlined expression “sophomore slump”? (A) It is a sense of confusion after a freshman fails the first year. (B) It is a slump a sophomore travels through after an uphill drive. (C) It is a sense of inactivity after the freshman year excitement wanes. (D) It is a bump a sophomore encounters after mountain climbing.  


 (A) 大一第一年不及格後的困惑感。 (B) 這是一個大二學生在上坡後經歷的低谷。 (C) 在大一的興奮減弱之後,這是一種不活動的感覺。  (D) 是二年級學生爬山後遇到的一個顛簸...

46 題至第 50 題測驗整體閱讀理解能力,請讀完全文後,從各題四個選項中選出一..-阿摩線上測驗