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49. John: Congratulations, Jenny, on your promotion. Jenny: Thanks, John. But, __________________ John: Well, you have to live with it as you are famous now.
(A). I really like my old job.
(B). I have to face the music.
(C). I cannot wait to get my work done.
(D). I don’t like all the attention I’m getting.

難度: 簡單
Viva Lin 高三上 (2013/05/30)
(B) face the music
. 承担后果, 面对不愉快的局面
  • The boy was caught cheating in an examination and had to face the music.
  • 在一次考试中那孩子作弊被当场抓住, 他只能自己承担后果。

49. John: Congratulations, Jenny, on you..-阿摩線上測驗