
63 Based on Taiwan’s Company Act, which of the following descriptions of a shareholder derivative suit is inaccurate?
(A) A shareholder derivative suit is a suit brought by a shareholder on behalf of the company.
(B) In limited situations, a company has the right to ask the shareholder to withdraw the shareholder derivative suit.
(C) If a shareholder derivative suit prevails in court, the shareholder who brought the suit may, under certain limited conditions, receive monetary compensation.
(D) A shareholder needs to hold more than 1 percent of outstanding shares to file a shareholder derivative suit.

難度: 適中
祝各位考生上岸 大一上 (2021/08/29)

haunty369 小一上 (2021/04/14)

補充一下,shareholder derivative suit,亦有稱股東代位/代表訴訟。

ckvhome 高二上 (2021/09/09)

(A) A shareholder derivative suit(股東代位訴訟) is a suit brought by a shareholder on behalf of the company.(公214II)
(B) In limited situations, a company has no right to ask the shareholder to withdraw the shareholder derivative suit.股東行動主義
(C) If a shareholder derivative suit prevails in court, the shareholder who brought the suit may, under certain limited conditions, receive monetary compensation.(公215)
(D) A shareholder needs to hold more than 1 percent of outstanding shares to file a shareholder derivative suit.(公214I...


63 Based on Taiwan’s Company Act, which ..-阿摩線上測驗