63.運動起始瞬間會發生氧缺現象(oxygen deficit),最初10秒肌肉..-阿摩線上測驗
JuiYi Hsu 研二上 (2024/05/23): 可以先刪去(C)(D) (C)肝醣要先分解成葡萄糖 (D)丙酮酸 + NADH + H+→ 乳酸 + NAD+ 乳酸是代謝產物不是反應物 Phosphocreatine, also known as creatine phosphate (CP) or PCr (Pcr), is a phosphorylated form of creatine that serves as a rapidly mobilizable reserve of high-energy phosphates in skeletal muscle, myocardium and the brain to recycle adenosine triphosphate, the energy currency of the cell. 在最大肌肉力量的前五到八秒內,磷酸肌酸Phosphocreatine可以無氧地將磷酸基團提供給ADP以形成ATP 。 | 檢舉 |