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9 We have had plenty of time to consider the pros and cons of a single currency.
(A)We have had lots of time to mull over the generally agreed issue with regard to using one type of legal tender for the whole area.
(B)We have had sufficient time to find out the outcomes of using the same type of money that was once said to be a failure.
(C)We have had sufficient time to think about both sides of the arguments that support and oppose the idea of using the same type of money.
(D)We have had much time to think about the proposals for using the same types of coins and notes for the area.

難度: 簡單
simonlinhhh 大一上 (2015/07/14)

我們有充足的時間來考慮一個單一(貨幣currency)的(優點和缺點 pros and cons)

骨頭(一般警特行政上榜) 大四下 (2020/02/29)

就是好處(Pros) 壞處(Cons)的意思

currency翻譯:錢, 貨幣,通貨, 接受, 流行;流通;通用。

9 We have had plenty of time to consider..-阿摩線上測驗