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For those of us standing on the side of the road waiting for a ride, what we lack is a means of connecting us to a driver 
who doesn’t know we need them. __31__. It is simplya matter of integrating three common functions: First, a mobile (cell) 
phone to inform the world of our current location and where we want to go. __32__ And finally a means of paying the driver a 
small fee for the ride.  
 Let’s call this new device the “iHitch'”- a phone, GPS and payment system all in one - a simple challenge for the likes of 
Nokia, Apple or Garmin. __33__ And finally we will need some software which, when told where the drivers are going and 
where the passengers want to be, can make the optimum connections between the two.  

(A) Then, GPS units to work out where we are standing and which drivers are coming our way.
(B) The next step is equipping a critical mass of passengers and vehicles for it to be a practical option.
(C) But the technological solution to this problem is already close at hand.
(D) To make our hitchhiking future happen, we’re going to need help overcoming the significant social and cultural barriers.

難度: 適中

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For those of us standing on the side of ..-阿摩線上測驗