
III. Reading Comprehension: Read the following passages and choose the most appropriate answer for each question.
(A) A paper published in Nature Climate Change indicated that the effects of climate change across a broad spectrum of problems, including heat waves, wildfires, sea level rise, hurricanes, flooding, drought and shortages of clean water. Such problems are already coming in combination. Florida, for example, had recently experienced extreme drought, record high temperatures and wildfires — and Hurricane Michael, the powerful Category 4 storm that slammed into the Panhandle this summer. Similarly, California is suffering through the worst wildfires the state has ever seen, as well as drought, extreme heat waves and degraded air quality that threatens the health of residents. In 2017, US withdrew from Paris Agreement. Despite the White House's later assessment showing climate change could significantly reduce GDP by 10% by 2100, President Trump remains incredulous about global warming. The UN unveiled its own report that says signatories to the Paris Agreement are doing nowhere near enough to meet the target of keeping warming below 2°C relative to pre-industrial times. Other reports also warned that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere had reached 405 parts per million, the highest in three million to five million years.

【題組】33. Which of the following questions can NOT be answered in this passage?
(A) How can there be global warming when there is a snowstorm?
(B) What's wrong with a few degrees higher?
(C) Will the increase of carbon emissions hurt the economy?
(D) How exactly has the Earth's climate warmed over the past century?

難度: 非常困難
Christine 小一上 (2021/07/10)



M 大二下 (2022/11/29)
從文章開頭提到「A paper published in Nature Climate Change indicated that the effects of climate change across a broad spectrum of problems, including heat waves, wildfires, sea level rise, hurricanes, flooding, drought and shortages of clean water.」,底線部分譯為「氣候變化之影響遍及廣大的範圍」, 包含颶風、野火、乾旱等均為全球暖化所造成自然界氣候變化的問題,雖然,文中沒有提及暴風雪的字樣,但暴風雪被視為自然界氣候變化之一是可以呼應文中所提及「氣候變化之影響遍及廣大的範圍」。又考生所提出「若是暖化導致暴風雪,此文並未說明其氣候學原理。」,文中所提出的例子,作者均未提出精確的氣候學成因之解釋,但不會影響讀者理解自然界氣候變化與全球暖化之間的文意,因此,從常理推測來回答本題時,選項A是可從文中被回答的選項之一,故維 持原答案 D。
QQ饅頭 大一下 (2023/04/19)
考卷還拼錯這麼多字 出題者的英文理解力讓人不敢恭維

III. Reading Comprehension: Read the fol..-阿摩線上測驗