
John Maynard Keynes used the phrase “animal spirits” in 1936 to _____16_____ the role confidence plays in the economy. He saw how investors and businesspeople must go with their guts in uncertain times and put their money to work if the economy is to grow and the nation to _____17_____ . Judging by recent surge in the stock market, animal spirits are certainly back on Wall Street. Investors, _____18_____ by worries a bubble may be building, have piled into equities, pushing the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index up about 60% into March. The _____19_____ looks to be lifting. That should give legs to the recovery and reduce the risk of a _____20_____ into recession next year as stepped-up business spending offsets the fading impact of the $787 billion federal stimulus plan.

難度: 困難
Get my goal 大二上 (2014/12/18)
Judging by recent surge in the stock market, animal spirits are certainly back on Wall Street. Investors, _____18_____ by worries a bubble may be building, have piled into equities, pushing the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index up about 60% into March. 

jinnee796 (2014/12/22)
The _____19_____ looks to be lifting. That should give legs to the recovery and reduce the risk of a _____20_____ into recession next year as stepped-up business spending offsets the fading impact of the $787 billion federal stimulus plan.
業精於勤,事立於豫 研一下 (2018/10/11)

Judging by recent surge in the stock market, animal spirits are certainly back on Wall Street.


Investors, _____18_____ by worries a bubble may be building, have piled into equities, pushing the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index up about 60% into March. 



(A)discarded 拋棄。

(B)disagreed 不同意。

(C)undeterred 未被嚇住。

(D)undetermined 不確定。

* pile into     擠進。

* equities     股票...


John Maynard Keynes used the phrase “ani..-阿摩線上測驗